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Working Smarter, Not Harder

There’s been a lot of talk recently about the Internet of Things.  And there’s been a lot of talk about greater controllability of lights.  But what does it all mean for the LED industry?

It means that LEDs need to function across various communications protocols and controls standards, while collecting data and intelligence.  It means that LEDs can be the platform enabling transformation and smart connections.  And it means that LED manufacturers, OEMs, and hardware and software developers need to innovate together to develop LEDs that sit at the intersection of everything bringing the Internet of Things to life.

It’s not just about manufacturing LEDs anymore.

It’s all about being smart…

Xenio™ is the newest product platform from Bridgelux that we recently announced at LFI 2015.  An integrated smart module, Xenio features tightly integrated controls, local intelligence, communications capabilities, and smooth, flicker free dimming down to 0.1%.  It has the ability to monitor fixture health and archive data, and is designed for simplified fixture assembly.

Xenio delivers superior light quality and the highest efficacy integrated module now available on the market. 

…and delighting customers.

  (Photo by Nick Otto     

In particular, retail, industrial, office, and healthcare industries will benefit from this change towards integrated, smart lighting.  These industries have unique issues to be solved as customers and end users demand more appealing and more ergonomic environments.

Imagine being a customer in a bookstore  and suddenly you receive coupons delivered to your mobile device.  These coupons can be sent from beacons located within the store’s lighting.  And this lighting is not only networked, but is high-quality enough to improve seeing the book titles without having to squint.    

Imagine managing an office building and being able to program when lights turn on or off with the movement of the sun so employees have continuous and proper amounts light.  Or using data captured through a networked LED over time to predict patterns of light use so that lights are used when and where needed, reducing energy consumption costs.

Being smart is also about “working smart.”  And LEDs are now “working smart” to better these industries through embedded intelligence and integrated controls.

Do you agree?

John F. Kennedy said “change is the law of life.”  Bridgelux sees a $100B potential in integrated, smart lighting sources.  Whether you are a manufacturer, a hardware developer, or an OEM, we must change together and move towards “smart,” or be left behind.  We must work together to determine what the end customers need in this smart, connected world, and how to bring those needs to life.

We would like to hear your thoughts about how the LED industry can come together to address this new demand.  Tweet us @bridgelux or leave your comments below.

And if you’d like more specs on our new Xenio product, check out this page or contact your local sales rep.