A trademark can be a word, phrase, symbol, or design that distinguishes the source of the goods or services. The following is a non-exhaustive list of Bridgelux’s trademarks and service marks.
When using the marks in publications that will be distributed only in the United States, include the appropriate TM, SM, or ® symbol on first use. For publications that will be distributed outside the United States, do not include trademark symbols. Instead use the appropriate trademark attribution notice, for example: Bridgelux is a trademark of Bridgelux, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
The list also includes one or more suggested generic terms for each trademark. For all publications, include an appropriate generic term after the trademark the first time it appears. Thereafter, the generic term should appear frequently with the trademark. (Note: These generic terms are only suggestions, and there may be other words that are equally appropriate.)
Remember that trademarks are adjectives, and cannot be made into verbs or made plural or possessive.
Use of Bridgelux logos requires a license or written permission from an authorized representative of Bridgelux. If you are interested in obtaining a license to use a Bridgelux mark or logo, contact your Bridgelux marketing or sales representative, or your local Bridgelux sales office.
The absence of a product or service name or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of Bridgelux’s trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo.
Bridgelux Visual Trademarks

Bridgelux Trademarks
- Autoflux™ Series
- Bridgelux®
- Bridging Light and Life™
- Bridgelux Everywhere.™
- Cycle™
- Décor Series™
- EB Series™
- H Series™
- IB Series™
- OLM™ Series
- The Magic of Light®
- Vero® Series
- Vero® SE Series
- V Series™
- Vesta® Series
For additional information on using Bridgelux's trademarks, please refer to the following link to view Trademark Use Guidelines and Requirements (T) (Rev 1-21-15)