Bridgelux's medium and low voltage MOSFET series adopt advanced Trench/SGT DMOS technology,The MOSFET produced by this technology has extremely low on-resistance, extremely low gate charge, super resistance to avalanche breakdown, and has superior anti-electromagnetic interference and switching performance .This series of products are widely used in various motors, chargers, power tools, etc.
Bridgelux's high-voltage MOSFET series adopt advanced DMOS technology. The MOSFET produced by this technology has lower on-state resistance, stronger EAS capability, and superior anti-electromagnetic interference and switching performance. This series of products are widely used in various AC-DC switching power supplies.
Bridgelux's SJ MOSFET series have lower on-state resistance, low gate charge, stronger EAS capability, superior anti-electromagnetic interference and switching performance. In addition, Bridgelux's design enhances reverse recovery characteristic of the body-diode. This series of products are widely used in various AC-DC switching power supplies.
IGBT series of Bridgelux adopts advanced IGBT technology, which produces IGBT products with lower on-loss, superior anti-electromagnetic interference ability and switching performance. The series of products are widely used in household appliances and various industrial equipment.