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Certification No. BLX24071197

LETTER OF CERTIFICATION证明书                                                                                                              BLX24071197


兹证明月影创新科技(广东)有限公司(月影照明),自2024年1月起使用普瑞原装Thrive COB&SMD系列用于下列照明产品中,并在中国大陆地区进行销售。

This certifies that following lighting products which was provided by Moon Shadow Technology(Guangdong) Limited is identified herein using Bridgelux Thrive COB&SMD LED products since Jan 2024. And the lighting products is only sold in China.


The corresponding information are as follows.


Product Name  Customer Part No 
月影护眼三代系列 吸顶灯圆形30-60CM/吸顶灯方形90*60CM/餐吊、落地灯 60-101CM/落地灯40-100CM
月影护眼三代系列 高显吸顶灯30-60CM/90*60CM/101CM/100CM
月影商照护眼三代系列 射灯/筒灯 7.5-20CM
月影教育灯护眼三代系列 教育灯600-1100MM